Wednesday, March 13, 2013

High Jump

The Competition
1.  An athlete shall take off from one foot
2.  An athlete fails if:
  •  After the jump, the bar does not remain on the supports because of the action of the athlete whilst jumping, or
  • He touches the ground including the landing area beyond the vertical plane through the nearer edge of the crossbar, either between or outside the uprights with any part of his body, without first clearing the bar.  However, if when he jumps, an athlete touches the landing area with his foot and in the opinion of the Judge, no advantage is gained, the jump for that reason should not be considered a failure.
     Note:  To assist in the implementation of this Rule a white line 50mm wide shall be drawn (usually by adhesive tape or similar material) between points 3m outside of each upright, the nearer edge of the line being drawn along the vertical plane through the nearer edge of the crossbar.